The Board is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance and ensuring values and behaviours are consistent across the business. The Board expects steady and continuous improvement in the Group’s governance procedures.

Company purpose

The Board has defined the Company’s purpose as “Porvair aims to develop specialist filtration, laboratory and environmental technologies for the benefit of all stakeholders.” Measures of success include consistent earnings per share growth and improvement in selected ESG metrics.

The Nomination Committee provides a transparent process and procedure for the appointment of new Directors to the Board. The Nomination Committee comprises all of the Non-Executive Directors and is chaired by the Chair of the Company. The Nomination Committee’s responsibilities include:

  • Identifying and nominating candidates to fill Board vacancies;
  • Evaluating the balance of skills, diversity, knowledge and experience on the Board and the leadership needs of the organisation; and
  • Succession planning.

The balance of skills, diversity, knowledge and experience, the leadership of the organisation and succession planning are considered by the Committee at least annually. To be quorate at least two members of the Committee must attend.

Succession planning
The Committee monitors the length of service and the skills and experience of the Non-Executive Directors to assist in succession planning. Succession plans for the Executive Directors are routinely discussed between them and the Chair. The Committee is confident that the Board has the necessary skills and experience to contribute to the Group’s strategic direction and expects to continue to strengthen the Non-Executive Directors’ knowledge and experience of the Group’s operations in the coming year.

Succession plans for the Group’s 30 most senior executives, taking into account gender and ethnic diversity, are considered by the Committee at least once a year to identify likely succession requirements and to ensure that development plans are in place to prepare those managers expected to be able to fill more senior positions as they arise.

Board recruitment process
An external search consultancy is appointed to advise on each appointment to the Board and seek suitable candidates. In the case of Executive Directors, the Committee seeks to include candidates, if appropriate, from the existing employees. Candidates from an initial list are interviewed by the Chair and Chief Executive. Following selection by the Chair and Chief Executive, shortlisted candidates (generally no more than three) are then interviewed by the other Directors. Once a suitable candidate has been identified, the Chair of the Committee recommends to the Board that the Company make a formal offer of employment to the candidate.

The terms of reference of the Nomination Committee are found here.

Risk and internal control

The Board has overall responsibility for ensuring that the Group maintains a system of internal controls and for reviewing its effectiveness. The system is not designed to eliminate the risk that the Group’s objectives will not be achieved but to ensure that there is an ongoing process for identifying, evaluating and managing the significant risks. As with any such system, it can only provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance against material misstatement or loss. The Group’s key procedures are as follows:


S172(1) Reporting
General confirmation of Directors’ duties
The Board’s approach to decision making
The Board’s approach to stakeholder engagement

Compliance with the Code

The Board complies with all aspects of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance code. The 2018 UK Corporate Governance code has applied to the Group from 1 December 2019.