Global trends including: tighter environmental regulations; growth in analytical science; changes in transportation; the replacement of plastic by aluminium; and the drive for manufacturing process efficiency all offer opportunities for which the Group develops differentiated product developments.
We aim to meet the growing need for sustainable solutions in ways that are economically, environmentally and socially responsible.

Global population is expected to increase to 8.5 billion by 2030, which will increase demand for clean water and energy. In tandem, a growing middle class, particularly in Asia, will drive growth in aviation passenger air miles
Transition to low carbon global economy
The United Nations has set a target of reaching Net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and the UK government has adopted this target in law.

Environment preservation and waste
Environmental issues, including plastic waste and preservation of biodiversity, are challenging all businesses globally.
Increasing regulatory compliance: emissions
Governments, regulatory authorities and businesses are mandating tighter standards of environmental cleanliness; product performance; testing regimes; and product quality. For filtration specialists this is an opportunity.

Improved manufacturing efficiency
Improved process efficiency and performance is a key driver to reduce waste and improve energy efficiency. Developments in our filtration and separation technologies help drive manufacturing efficiency; increase the accuracy of analytical tests; and provide cleaner emissions.
Technology and innovation
Technological developments and innovation will drive lower emissions and use of resources. Filtration and separation technology will be part of the solution.