Integral to Porvair’s fundamental purpose are transparent and robust governance, safe and responsible operations and an ethical management culture.
Responsible business governance
The Board is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance and ensuring values and behaviours are consistent across the business. The Board expects steady and continuous improvement in the Group’s governance procedures. The 2018 UK Corporate Governance code applied to the Group from 1 December 2019.
Risk management
Risk management and review forms a core part of each divisional quarterly review, with risk assessments and actions arising discussed with each management team and followed up in the annual internal audit process. The outputs from these discussions are fed through in regular Board reports where key issues are discussed.
Anti-bribery and corruption policy
The Group prohibits all forms of bribery and corruption within its business and complies with the requirements of all applicable laws designed to combat bribery and corruption. The Group requires all employees, agents, intermediaries and consultants to conduct themselves in accordance with the Group’s anti-bribery and corruption policy.
Modern Slavery
The Group has zero tolerance of slavery and human trafficking in all its different forms in any part of its business and in its supply chain. The approach reflects a commitment to act ethically and responsibly in all business relationships and to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not present in any part of its business or in its supply chain.
Human rights
The Group supports and is committed to upholding the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the core labour standards set out by the International Labour Organisation. The Group is aware of its requirements to respect human rights in all jurisdictions in which it operates. It pays particular attention to its responsibilities in its operations in China and India.