The Metal Melt Quality division designs and manufactures porous ceramic filters for the filtration of molten metals. It is a world leader in the filtration of cast house aluminium and super alloys. It has operations in the US and China and its sales are global.

The division has a well differentiated product range based on patented products and a promising new product pipeline.​

Our main operating companies

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Global Aluminium

Ceramic cast house filters and filtration equipment for the production of high grade aluminium.

US Foundry

Filters to improve the quality of automotive and agricultural iron foundry castings.

Super Alloys

3D printed ceramics for the filtration and flow control of molten super alloys used mainly in turbine blade production.

27 %
Approx. split of Group revenue
£ 48.0 m
Revenue 2023
£ 6.5 m
Adjusted operating profit